Mantra Marathons

It is sound and sound only, which is the creative power of the supreme consciousness.

Upcoming Meditations


Experience & Crystallise the Self

Sunday 28 April 2024, 5-8pm

online via zoom

Have a sense of your Self, separate from all the commotions, emotions and sensory impulses; focus and recognise a still point, a nucleus within, which is the Self. It is this crystallised sense of Self that is needed in order for consciousness to work. This event will include 2.5 hours of meditation. 

This meditation event is part 1 of a 3-part series being offered in conjunction with the 21 Stages of Meditation Training.

Investment: £40 | £108 for all three meditations that are part of 21 Stages of Meditation


The Expressive Self: Laya Yoga Meditation Series

Sunday 12 May 2024, 5-8pm

online via zoom

Express and be your Self. An opportunity to experience the unseen Self within. A five-part meditation, each section is about 30 minutes. This Laya Yoga Meditation Series can clear the energetic channels and raise the Kundalini.

This meditation event is part 2 of a 3-part series being offered in conjunction with the 21 Stages of Meditation Training.

Investment: £40 | £108 for all three meditations that are part of 21 Stages of Meditation


Sodarshan Chakra Kriya

Sunday 2 June 2024, 5-8pm

online via zoom

This meditation cuts all darkness. It will give you a new start. It is the simplest kriya, but at the same time the hardest. It cuts through all barriers. When a person is in a very bad state, techniques imposed from the outside will not work. The pressure has to be stimulated from within. This kriya invokes the Kundalini to give you the necessary vitality and intuition to combat the negative effects of the subconscious mind.

This meditation event is part 3 of a 3 part series being offered in conjunction with the 21 Stages of Meditation Training.

Investment: £40 | £108 for all three meditations that are part of 21 Stages of Meditation

The sound current is a Universe. It is there. It is an Infinity. You created it, you are creating it. Then you concentrate on it. It is you who is concentrating on it, and then you become it.

Science to the Sound

Through the generation of sound, you create a vibration which stimulates the pituitary gland. Movement of the tongue stimulates 84 meridian points in the mouth which also impacts the pituitary gland. The entire glandular system is affected allowing you to strengthen the immune system, increase energy, calm the mind, heighten intelligence and intuition, and experience a state of bliss.

Everyone is welcome to join the mantra marathons, regardless of prior experience with Kundalini Yoga or with long meditations. If you feel uncertain about or a little intimidated by the thought of meditating for such a long period of time, you might find helpful our recent article about rising to the challenge of a 2 ½ hour meditation. Click here to read the article.

Finally, you are encouraged - but not required - to cover your head, which helps to contain the energy you produce while chanting. Natural fibre, especially cotton, is recommended.